Q: How do I place an order?
A: Please check my availability on the tab above and if the date you'd like is available, then fill out a Custom Order Form for either a cake or cookies. If you are inquiring about having both for an event, please fill out each form. Once you submit the Forms, we will be in contact to follow up on additional details and send an invoice for deposit. Once the non-refundable deposit is made, your date will be saved in our calendar.
Q: Is a deposit required?
A: Yes. All orders require a $25 non-refundable deposit to hold your date. This deposit will go towards the total balance of your order. Should you need to change the original date of your order, you will lose your deposit. ALL details will need to be submitted to hold your date in our calendar. Orders will need to be Paid In Full before leaving BSB.
Q: How much are your cakes and cookies?
A: Please see our cake and cookie prices.
Q: How much notice do I need to give for ordering cakes and cookies?
A: For Custom Orders, our Availability Calendars open in 3 month increments to ensure quality & work load. Large celebrations, such as Weddings and Events can book prior. Our Specialty Cakes can be ordered through our Square Online Store with pickups through out the week.
Q: Can you provide nut-free or gluten-free or vegan friendly options?
A: Unfortunately, I cannot at this time.
Q: Can you ship your cakes and cookies?
A: Unfortunately, we cannot at this time.
Q: Do you deliver?
A: At this time, we only offer delivery of wedding cakes.
Q: When is payment due?
A: All orders require a $25 non-refundable deposit to hold your date. This deposit will go towards the total balance of your order. Should you need to change the original date of your order, you will lose your deposit. Full payment is due at pickup. Cash or Square invoice can be paid day-of.
Q: How long will the cake stay fresh?
A: Cakes should remain refrigerated until 2 hours before serving. The cake will keep fresh in the refrigerator for up to one week. In a worst-case scenario, our cakes also freeze well. We can discuss specific instructions should you need to freeze.
Q: How long will the cookies stay fresh?
A: Our cookies stay fresh for weeks if in an airtight bag or container. The cookies freeze amazingly well so if you'd like to save them just put them inside an airtight bag or container and pop them in the freezer. Take them out to thaw approximately twelve hours before you'd like to enjoy them. Just make sure to keep the container sealed while they are thawing and do not open it until they're completely thawed.
Q: How do pick-ups work?
A: I have all orders finished up on Friday mornings so you can pick up anytime Friday before 7pm or Saturday mornings between 9am and Noon. A specific pickup day and time is required for all orders. We will determine this the Monday leading up to your order. Should you need your items earlier than Friday morning, there will be an additional charge for Early Pick Up. For Holiday orders, I will post specific days and times orders can be picked up. Should you need your items later than these Holiday pickup times, that can be arranged. Keep in mind, I try to not stray from the original pickup day too far for baking reasons.